Module 5: Working with Geometrics

 For this week's lab, we were tasked with learning how to read and write geometrics as well as how to transfer over specific items onto a text file. With the knowledge of our past modules, we implemented a search cursor as well as for loops. These for loops were a tad bit different because it was a nested loop. This nested loop identified what parts and points we wanted to have identified in our TXT file. We also learned how to write and open a TXT file which I had my own struggles with. I ended up having the open("file", "w") line of code in the wrong spot and needed to add partnum by the vID within my script. I thought I would struggle most with writing the f.write script but it was more so around the nested loop and how it was formatted as well as the indentation. 

The following is a pseudocode of how I wrote my script: 

The following is a snapshot of the TXT file containing the coordinates and object IDs of the vertices within the river shapefile. 


