Module 3: Geoprocessing

 For this week, we learned about model building, the usage of geoprocessing tools and allowing for them to overwrite each other, and lastly how to use Python IDE congruent with ArcGIS Pro to implement different tool arguments. For this one, we focused on clipping and selecting different layers and attributes as well as creating buffer zones and dissolving specific layers to not show up when transferred over to ArcGIS Pro. We also added XY Coordinates for the hospitals. It was easy to follow and figure out which code to transcribe but just as difficult to understand what should be inputted and how the code needs to be formulated in order to succeed. 

I think this lab really assisted me to understand how coding with python works and how to implement them for different tools. I can see how this would assist me in my work along with other projects. 

Below is the end result of my script for adding the XY Coordinates, creating the buffer zone as well as the dissolve layer:


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