GIS4035 Module 1: Visual Interpretation

 In this weeks lab, we were tasked with identifying different features that outlined the characteristics of tone and texture (see map 1-2) and the features that represent association, pattern, shadow, and shape and size (see map 1-1). This lab helped me to understand what to look for when it comes to visually interpreting a feature on a map. By using shadows, I can identify objects that are slim like a light pole or tree. The same goes with association. The amusement park for example, I noted the slide, a possible Ferris wheel, and another ride shaped liked a circle. Knowing what these are allowed me to interpret it as an amusement park. Overall, this was a fun and easy lab that taught me some basics that will definitely be useful down the arcgis road!

     Map 1-1 

          Map 1-2


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