Module 1: Overview of ArcGIS

This week we were tasked with gaining access to ArcGIS Pro as well as learning how to format our folders for future labs. Learning how to unzip/zip, organize, label and move files was not too difficult and the instructions were easy to follow. We also learned how to create and upload files onto ArcGIS Pro as well as the basics to building a map. For this lab, we were tasked with creating a crude map as seen above featuring cities and countries across the world. This showed me how to add/remove layers, the symbology of each layer, as well as the layout of the map. Creating the layout and positioning the map took a little bit more time for me to figure out but once I got it, it was a piece of cake! I can not wait to learn more about ArcGIS Pro and to improve my skillset on it. The directions were easy to follow and having the videos as reference as well as the ArcGIS help tool made it simple to figure out steps I did not understand. Overall, this lab was very informative and I am looking forward to what we will be learning next!


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